2023 MaRDA Virtual Annual Meeting February 21 – 23
Meeting Co-Chairs: Dr. Arun Mannodi-Kanakkithodi (Purdue), Dr. Rama Vasudevan (ORNL), Dr. Ekin Dogus Cubuk (Google)
Poster Session Winners: Robert Appleton (Purdue), Yigitcan Comlek (Northwestern), Reetu Joseph (KIT), and Kat Nykiel (Purdue
Winning Posters
Robert Appelton, Graduate Student, Purdue University | Developing a DFT database of high pressure structures
Yigitcan Comlek, Graduate Research Assistant, Northwestern University | Latent Variable Gaussian Process (LVGP) for Large Combinatorial Design Spaces: Metal Organic Framework Design
Reetu Joseph, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany | SEM Metadata Extraction Tool and and Schema Mapper
Kat Nykiel, Graduate Student, Purdue University | Semi-Supervised Prediction of Double Transition Metal MXene Stability
You can review the 2023 poster session winners’ research summary here.
(Please note that the meeting, Feb 21-23, has been recorded. You can view the agenda with recordings below.)
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Future Preparedness Across the MGI
1:00 | Welcome and Introduction to MaRDA2023 – Cate Brinson (Duke), Rama Vasudevan (ORNL), Ekin Dogus Cubuk (Google), Arun Mannodi Kanakkithodi (Purdue)
1:10 | Session 1: Equitable Access: Data Alliances in Light of the OSTP’s Nelson Memorandum – Chairs: Nicholas Schwarz (APS/Argonne National Lab), David Elbert (Johns Hopkins), Cate Brinson (Duke)
1:15 | Equitable Access and the Year of Open Science Chelle Gentemann (NASA)
1:30 | Panel Discussion 1: Alexios Klironomos (NSF), Richard Vaia (DOD), Michael Cooke (DOE), Chelle Gentemann (NASA)
2:20 | Poster Session 1, Chair: Juan Carlos Verduzco Gastelum (Purdue): GatherTown
3:10 | Session 2: Data Infrastructure and Labs of the Future – Chairs: Mathew Cherukara (APS/Argonne), Debra Audus (NIST), Olga Wodo (Buffalo)
3:15 | Panel Presentations and Open Discussion 2: Brad Olsen (MIT), Tim Erdmann (IBM), June Lau (NIST), Mahshid Ahmadi (University of Tennessee)
4:35 | Summary Discussion and Planning
4:45 | Adjourn
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
National Data Infrastructure
1:00 | Welcome – Peter Voorhees (Northwestern), Maria Chan (DOE), Arun Mannodi Kanakkithodi (Purdue)
1:05 | Session 3: Future preparedness for computing, microelectronics, and energy storage – Chairs: Peter Voorhees
(Northwestern) and Maria Chan (DOE)1:40 | Panel Discussion 1: Eric Lin (NIST), Rajeev Assary (Argonne National Laboratory), Arunima Singh (Arizona State University)
2:20 | Poster Session 2
3:10 | Session 4: The Future of Access to Materials Data – Chairs: Arun Mannodi Kanakkithodi (Purdue) and Ben Blaiszik (Chicago)
3:15 | Panel Presentations and Discussion:Andrew Rosen (Berkeley), KJ Schmidt (MDF), Kamal Choudhary (NIST), Maxim Ziatdinov (ORNL), Christoph Koch (HUBerlin/FAIRMat)
3:45 | Open Discussion
4:30 | Summary
4:45 | Adjourn
Thursday, February 23, 2023
1:00 | Welcome – Dogus Cubuk (Google), Alejandro Strachan (Purdue)
Session 5: Industry-Academic-National Lab Partnerships: Impact Stories and Needs
1:10 | Panel Presentations and Discussion: Remi Dingreville (Sandia), Michael Rauch (Schrodinger) , Austin Sendek (Aionics & Stanford), Larry Zitnick (Meta AI Research)
1:40 | Open Discussion
2:20 | Break
Session 6: Coordinating the MGI: Materials Research Coordination Network – Chairs: Ben Blaiszik (Chicago), Cate Brinson (Duke), David Elbert (Johns Hopkins)
2:30 |FAIR Data – Cate Brinson (Duke), Peter Voorhees (Northwestern), and Laura Bartolo (Northwestern)
|FAIR Train – Olga Wodo (Buffalo), Alejandro Strachan (Purdue), Brian Schuster (UTEP)
|FAIR Models – Ale Strachan (Purdue) and Ben Blaiszik (Chicago)
|Open Discussion
Session 7: Working Group Reports – MaRDA Council and Session Co-Chairs
3:00 | Reports of Selected Current Working Groups:
| Data Dictionaries: Donny Winston (Polyneme LLC), Ken Kroenlein (Citrine Informatics)
| Automated Metadata Extractors: Matthew Evans (UCLouvain), Peter Kraus (TUBerlin), David Elbert
| FAIR for Materials: Cate Brinson (Duke), Laura Bartolo (Northwestern)
3:20 | Working Group Planning
3:35 | Outstanding Poster Awards and Presentations
3:50 | Closing Comments, Jim Warren (NIST), David Elbert (Johns Hopkins)
4:00 | Adjourn